Seminar on E-learning in fragile contexts
Unité and the EXAF centre at EPFL invite you to a seminar on e-learning in fragile contexts, during which technical solutions developed specifically for distance learning in low connectivity contexts will be presented. It is aimed in particular at organisations or institutions that support schools or training centres in Africa as part of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
06.11.2023 | 13:15-16:00, Impact Hub Bern, Spitalgasse 28 (entrance in Ryffligässchen), 3011 Bern
At this seminar, the EXAF Centre at EPFL will present the results and products of its research carried out with partners in Africa from Unité member organisations. Based on questionnaires, interviews and three pilot projects in Egypt, Côte d'Ivoire and Kenya, tools have been developed to create and disseminate teaching content that can be easily downloaded, even where connections are poor.
Exceptionally in Switzerland on this occasion, Dr Emad Soliman-Saleeb from the Nile Hospital in Naqada (near Luxor), who took part in one of the pilot projects, will also talk about the added value of these solutions for their work in the service of local populations.
Finally, there will be an open discussion on the lessons learned from this project and the future development of e-learning in fragile contexts.
1.15pm - Welcome and Introduction
Alexander Flisch, Unité
1.25pm - Presentation of the results of the project "E-learning in fragile contexts" - with Q&A
Frédéric Meylan, Ximena Salgado Uribe and Andrés Gomez. EXAF-EPFL
1.55pm - The challenges of e-learning at the Nile Hospital in Naqada, Egypt - with Q&A
Dr Emad Soliman-Saleeb, Nile Hospital
2.15pm - Coffee break
2.30pm - What have we learnt and how looks the future of e-learning in contexts with low connectivity?
Short presentation by EPFL and open discussion with participants
3.30pm - Refreshments
4.15pm - End
Webapp E-learning4all