Unité, our member organisations and the international network of volunteer organisations regularly examine the relevance and impact of personnel development cooperation. Based on studies, evaluations and exchanges of experience, we are constantly working to improve our engagement and make it even more effective.
On this page you find all the latest studies from Unité and from our network, which are available in English. However, most of our studies are only available in German and/or French. To access them, please refer to the respective pages.
Most recent studies
Studies on the impact of personnel development cooperation
The following impact studies and management responses are made available on request to interested partners:
- Desk study Unité 2024: Evaluation of the experiences made with implementation of the manual « Méthodologie participative et qualitative d’identification des effets de la coopération par l’échange de personnes » (report in French)
- Impact analysis: MediCuba-Suisse in Cuba 2024 (report in French, summary in Spanish)
- Impact analysis: E-CHANGER in Burkina Faso 2024 (report and summary in French)
- Impact analysis: Eirene Suisse in El Salvador 2023 (report in French)
- Impact analysis: Comundo in Peru and Colombia 2022 (report in German, summary in Spanish)
- Impact analysis: AMCA in Nicaragua 2021 (report in German, summary in Spanish)
- Impact analysis: SAM global in Chad 2021 (report in French, summary in German)
- Impact analysis: Evangelical Mission in Chad 2021 (report in French)
Summary: Impact analysis Guinea SAM global (2018)
PDF 970.6 KB
Sustainability of Comundo's PDC assignments in Latin America (2017)
PDF 300.8 KB
Studies on the subject of fragile contexts
Studies on the subject of reciprocity
Guide for South-South and South-North exchanges in personnel development cooperation (2015)
PDF 476.7 KB
Templates for the instruments mentioned in the guide
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